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Hurricane Prevention Service generates $100B annual revenue, if "For Profit" funded by insurance company's venture branch,


generates $100M in donations & free to citizens Government service, if "Not For Profit" funded by public.


Customer's Pain Point (America) is $165B in 2023 and $200+B in 2024 in damages and 500+ in lives.

Funding and schedule

I seek $2M in Series A funding to stepwise examine 2011 hypothesis by Kelly Emanuel, PhD MIT but never developed just like the 90+ "research papers".

Stage 2 failure initiates refund of investment.

This hypothesis is part of my Activate Fellowship application Cohort 2025.


I seek a Fund Raising Director to approach and secure venture funding. Pay is $250K from first $5M and a bonus of $250K for each additional $10M.

Tasks & Project description in stages

I am trying to collect data on water temperature vs depth as a way to prevent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico waters.

Stage 1 (Budget $20,000 in 1st week to 2 months max with $50,000 in reserve)

1 jet ski sucks deep water (50ft max) and "sprays" it high into the air to cool the surface water temperature. Target is 10F cooler surface water temperature which suggests 1+ category level reduction. 5 suitable jet skis have been promised for the Project with the only "hoverboards" in Tampa Bay.

At least 2 or more jet skis spaced around the "sprayer" to monitor/support the water & air temperature changes. Other similar versions will be tested for feasibility.

Stage 2 (Budget $100,000 in 1st week to 2 months max)

The formation of 9 jet skis with roving temperature monitors/supports with locals would be next step.

Failure results in return of investment minus expenditures.

Stage 3 (Budget $1,000,000 in 1st month to max 6 months with $2,000,000 in reserve)

Only if Stage 2 data is definitively positive would a formation/simulation of ~50 jet skis or equivalent be pursued. Drones with cameras and at least 1 water rescue drone supported by "work boat with crane" for open ocean activities 25-100miles off the coast of Tampa Bay.



Thinking of new ways to profit

Louis Di Francesco

+1 505 515 4700 cell & WhatsApp

louisdifran@gmail.com email & Duo


LinkedIn link


https://galewindship.us Company website

Replacement for solder

http://pitek.us website

http://pitek.us/KGDSockets.html greatest accomplishment

Hydrofoil Sailing Ship Leaving Port


USS Constellation FFG(x) Proposal (Hydrofoil Sailing Ship)




COTS Cargo Containers (COTS CC) 10MW 1,600ft axis elevation

Airfields, Rail/Roadways, Housing, Aqua/Agriculture, Reef, Seawall


COTS Cargo Container OffShore Wind Turbine Installation Ship


COTS CC Tower Construction


Wind Farm Installation Ship


Hurricane Prevention Project


41 Delano Ave

Revere, Ma 02151-1726 USA 🇺🇸

Suffolk County

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